1979 İran İslam Devrimi’nin Ortadoğu Dengelerine Etkisi
Haziran 2011 - Cilt: 3 - Sayı: 30 67
1979 İran İslam Devrimi’nin Ortadoğu
Dengelerine Etkisi
The Eff ects of the 1979 Iranian Islamic Revolution to the Middle Eastern
Iranian Revolution has been deeply infl uencing regional balances in the Middle East since 1979. It has
reshaped the security alliances of the Persian Gulf; deepened Saudi and other Gulf States’ worries about the
future of the their monarchy regimes; frightened Irak and many dictators’ fragile regimes; changed US and
USSR’s perceptions of regional “instruments” since US has lost one of the most important and loyal alliance
during the cold war; and USSR (later Russian Federation) and China have gained at least a trade partner in
the Middle East which could easily be turned to be a security alliance because of Iranians’ quest for friends
in order to break isolation immediately. Last but not least, Iran brought about Islamic poltics at the state
Geçmişten Bugüne İran İslam Devrimi: Genel Değerlendirme
Mayıs 2011 - Cilt: 3 - Sayı: 29 93
İran dış politikası, devrimden bugüne değişimler geçirdi.
Resimde, İran İslam Devrimi lideri Humeyni, Devrim’den hemen sonraki günlerde FKÖ lideri Yaser Arafat’la görülüyor.
Geçmişten Bugüne İran İslam Devrimi: Genel
Iranian Islamic Revolution From Past to Present: A General Evaluation
In 1979, a drastic change has been occurred in Iran. It was a revolution in the true sense of the concept
for its lust for justice, liberty and equality. It was also a popular uprising against imperialism of which
all revolutions had the same stand. But it has also many novelties not to the theory, but for the Islamic
perspectives. First and foremost, it was a breaking point within the Islamic history in general and within
the Shi’ite tradition in particular. This article first focuses on the “firsts” of the Iranian revolution in the
Geçmişten Bugüne İran İslam Devrimi: Genel Değerlendirme
Mayıs 2011 - Cilt: 3 - Sayı: 29 93
İran dış politikası, devrimden bugüne değişimler geçirdi.
Resimde, İran İslam Devrimi lideri Humeyni, Devrim’den hemen sonraki günlerde FKÖ lideri Yaser Arafat’la görülüyor.
Geçmişten Bugüne İran İslam Devrimi: Genel
Iranian Islamic Revolution From Past to Present: A General Evaluation
In 1979, a drastic change has been occurred in Iran. It was a revolution in the true sense of the concept
for its lust for justice, liberty and equality. It was also a popular uprising against imperialism of which
all revolutions had the same stand. But it has also many novelties not to the theory, but for the Islamic
perspectives. First and foremost, it was a breaking point within the Islamic history in general and within
the Shi’ite tradition in particular. This article first focuses on the “firsts” of the Iranian revolution in the
1979 İran İslam Devrimi’nin Ortadoğu Dengelerine Etkisi
Haziran 2011 - Cilt: 3 - Sayı: 30
1979 İran İslam Devrimi’nin Ortadoğu
Dengelerine Etkisi
The Effects of the 1979 Iranian Islamic Revolution to the Middle Eastern
Iranian Revolution has been deeply influencing regional balances in the Middle East since 1979. It has
reshaped the security alliances of the Persian Gulf; deepened Saudi and other Gulf States’ worries about the
future of the their monarchy regimes; frightened Irak and many dictators’ fragile regimes; changed US and
USSR’s perceptions of regional “instruments” since US has lost one of the most important and loyal alliance
during the cold war; and USSR (later Russian Federation) and China have gained at least a trade partner in
the Middle East which could easily be turned to be a security alliance because of Iranians’ quest for friends
in order to break isolation immediately. Last but not least, Iran brought about Islamic poltics at the state