Muattar Demet Doğruöz1

Mevlevi Âyinlerinin Yüzyıllara Göre Dağılımı

Inonu University Journal of Art and Design
İnönü Üniversitesi Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi
ISSN: 1309-9876, E-ISSN: 1309-9884
Cilt/Vol. 6 Sayı/No.14 (2016): 1-13
Distribution of Mevlevi Rites (Ayins) by Centuries
Muattar Demet Doğruöz1
1 : Mugla Sitki Kocman University, The Department of Fine Arts Education,
Division of Music Education, Muğla,
DOI: /10.16950/iüstd.29768
It is important that preschool education develops the skills because children
Mevlevi Rites are classified as mystical musical forms that were composed to
be performed during the Sema rituals and they are one of the lenghtiest
musical forms of Turkish music. The earliest Mevlevi Rites in history were
composed in pençgâh, dügâh ve hüseynî maqams and their composers are
unknown. These earliest rites, known as beste-i kadim, were composed in the
16th century and since then this form has been attracting the interest of many

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